Cash Reward At Graduation College Online Loan

Earn Money from your Student Loan

   Some student loan providers offer a Cash Reward At Graduation. It can give the student that little bit of motivation to not only finish their degree but to do it in a timely manner. Not all student loan providers offer a Cash Reward At Graduation so if you want it you will need to ask before committing to a particular student loan. The amount of the of the cash reward giving to the student is generally 2% of the outstanding student loan principal balance. There are certain rules to this (which can very), some are: The student must graduate from the degree program that the student loan was intended to fund. The graduation date is less than six years after the date of the loan’s first disbursement, and the loan is not in default on the graduation date. The student will get only one cash reward, even if they get two degrees. Your student loan provider may request proof of the graduation date and degree from the student or the school. Your cash reward will be given to you by either credit card credit, electronic deposit, or check. It will take up to 90 days to process a student loan cash reward.

Cash Reward At Graduation College Online Loan